Wonder Valley: June 2012
Page 1: In The Beginning, There Was Heat...
...and the heat poured down from the heartless blue vault of the sky, which abided everlastingly without the least fragment of cloud, and the heat filled up the whole of the land with itself, in the mountains and in the valleys, and held sway, withering and killing all who sought to defy it.
And the heat was upon the land for years uncountable, and all of the land's water was caused to become spirit, and the spirit of the water was moved to quit the land and find itself a home in other places more clement, and the land became as unto dust, and the dust was moved upon the winds, and was risen into the sky.
And that which remained upon the land ceased to give shadows, and there was no respite from the wrathful sun overhead, which burned all things twice, burning them once from above, and then cruelly burning them again from below, and escape from the sun and the heat became impossible and all which could not flee was killed.

The environment becomes more or less lunar at midday, and a space suit to ensure survival might not seem completely out of place here in Wonder Valley, California.